tips on shipping your film

after purchasing any film development service on our website, you will have to ship us your film on your own terms! here are some tips and tricks on how to do so efficiently.

1. print very clearly

when leaving the order form / note in the package, please make sure your writing is legible, especially your namephone number, and email. these are required to be in your package for identification purposes; if they are not included, we may not be able to process your film. and as always, include a return address on the exterior of your package. 

please ensure that all your information you include in your package is aligned with the information you used during your order (ex: using the exact name and email you provided at checkout... if you put your name down as Mikaela Smith, don't write Mika Smith on your in-package note). 

2. use protective packaging and padding

we recommend shipping your film in a bubble mailer/padded envelope or a small box and using bubble wrap or other padding to ensure your film does not get damaged in transit. stay away from regular letter envelopes and clasped paper envelopes -- these are more prone to tearing in transit.

3. use a heavy-duty ziplock bag if you are shipping lots of rolls

4. use a shipping label, not stamps

we've had several instances where we had to pay additional postage upon receiving packages due to customers using stamps to send out their film. when this happens, the customer is required to compensate us for the additional postage plus pay an inconvenience charge in order for their film to be processed. using stamps also makes it impossible to track the status of your shipment. please use a tracked shipping label and pay the required postage according to the size and weight of your package to prevent any issues!

5. take a photo of your tracking number

taking a photo of your tracking number makes it so that you can monitor the status of your film when it is being sent out to the lab. this is for personal reference, you don’t need to send this information to us.

6. how long will it take for my film to reach you? 

most packages are shipped within 3-12 business days after they enter the system. we are located in Southern California, so mail takes 2-5 days to reach us from almost anywhere in the country! please refer to your tracking number for updates and keep in mind that we pick up mail 1-2 times per week and may not send you a "Film Received" email the same day your package delivers to us.

7. use pirateship for the cheapest shipping rates! they save you tons. paying for priority / expedited rates is unnecessary and will cost a lot more as compared to something cheaper like standard ground shipping.